clients Package

hemlock_base Module

This module is the main controller code for running clients that sit in this directory.

Created on 19 August 2013 @author: Charlie Lewis

class hemlock.clients.hemlock_base.Hemlock_Base[source]

This class is responsible for validating clients and controlling the orchestration between clients the Hemlock metadata/data store.

client_import(debug, client)[source]

Imports the client specific as a python module.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • client – string containing the name of the technology of the client i.e. mysql

returns string name of client credential file and instance of the client class

connect_server(debug, server_dict, no_couchbase)[source]

Connects to the Hemlock couchbase server.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • server_dict – credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server to be able to verify the client system
  • no_couchbase – flag of whether or not to use a couchbase connection or an elasticsearch connection

returns an instance of the couchbase connection


Gets the arguments from the command line.

Parameters:debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
Returns:returns list of arguments
get_creds(debug, CLIENT_CREDS_FILE)[source]

Gets the credentials for connecting the client and the credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • CLIENT_CREDS_FILE – path to file containing the client credentials

returns two dictionaries of the client and server credentials


Prints out help for the hemlock_base class.

process_args(debug, args)[source]

Processes the arguments passed in to ensure that the right ones are supplied before trying to execute against them.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • args – list of arguments that are passed in

returns client system uuid, the client technology to use, and the number of splits (defaults to -1 if not supplied)

send_data(debug, data_list, desc_list, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]

Sends data to the Hemlock couchbase server that is recieved from the client system.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • data_list – array of arrays containing data from the client
  • desc_list – list containing a corresponding schema to the data, can be empty
  • h_server – instnace of the couchbase connection
  • client_uuid – uuid of the client system
  • no_couchbase – flag of whether or not to use a couchbase connection or an elasticsearch connection

Callback for hstream_odd, should only happen if something failed.

Parameters:data – data that failed

Spawns asyncronous workers when calling an hstream_odd client.

Parameters:debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
update_hemlock(debug, client_uuid, server_dict)[source]

Sends data to the Hemlock couchbase server that is recieved from the client system.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • client_uuid – uuid of the client system
  • server_dict – credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server to be able to verify the client system
verify_system(debug, client_uuid, server_dict)[source]

Verifies that the system supplied exists in the Hemlock system.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • client_uuid – uuid of the client system that is being verified
  • server_dict – credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server to be able to verify the client system

hemlock_debugger Module

This module is used for running a debugger across all modules in Hemlock.

Create on 28 August 2013 @author: Charlie Lewis

class hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger[source]

This class is responsible for printing out debug statements as well as write them to file.

debug(debug, string)[source]

Prints and logs all debug statements.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • string – stringified version of whatever is being debugged.

hemlock_runner Module

This module gets all needed credentials in preparation for getting data from clients and into Hemlock’s metadata/data store.

Created on 26 August 2013 @author: Charlie Lewis

class hemlock.clients.hemlock_runner.Hemlock_Runner[source]

This class is responsible for pulling out the credentials from the Hemlock server for both the client system and the Hemlock metadata/data store.

get_creds(debug, m_server, client_id, aes_key)[source]

Retrieves the credentials for both the client system as well as the Hemlock server that are stored in the Hemlock MySQL server.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • m_server – instance of MySQL connection
  • client_id – uuid of the client to get credentials for
  • aes_key – AES key for decrypting the stored credentials

returns two dictionaries for the client system and Hemlock server credentials

mysql_server(debug, server, user, pw, db)[source]

Connects to the Hemlock MySQL server to get an instance for retrieving credentials.

  • debug – instance of Hemlock_Debugger
  • server – server address of the Hemlock MySQL server
  • user – user account to connect to the Hemlock MySQL server
  • pw – password of the user account
  • db – database to connect to in the Hemlock MySQL server

returns an instance of the mysql connection

hfs Module

class hemlock.clients.hfs.HFs[source]
connect_client(debug, client_dict)[source]
format_lists(debug, j_list, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]
get_data(debug, client_dict, c_server, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]
scan_file_types(debug, c_server, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]

hfs_old Module

class hemlock.clients.hfs_old.HFs[source]
connect_client(debug, client_dict)[source]
convert_pdf(debug, input)[source]
format_lists(debug, j_list, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]
get_data(debug, client_dict, c_server, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]
process_files(debug, input, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]

hhbase Module

hhdfs Module

hmongo Module

class hemlock.clients.hmongo.HMongo[source]
connect_client(debug, client_dict)[source]
get_data(debug, client_dict, c_server, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]

hmysql Module

class hemlock.clients.hmysql.HMysql[source]
connect_client(debug, client_dict)[source]
get_data(debug, client_dict, c_server, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]

hredis Module

class hemlock.clients.hredis.HRedis[source]
connect_client(debug, client_dict)[source]
get_data(debug, client_dict, c_server, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]

hrest Module

class hemlock.clients.hrest.HRest[source]
connect_client(debug, client_dict)[source]
get_data(debug, client_dict, c_server, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]

hstream_odd Module

class hemlock.clients.hstream_odd.HStream_Odd[source]
connect_client(debug, client_dict, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]
start(debug, hostname, port, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]
hemlock.clients.hstream_odd.handle(debug, connection, address, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase)[source]