Source code for hemlock.clients.hemlock_base

#!/usr/bin/env python
#   Copyright (c) 2013 In-Q-Tel, Inc/Lab41, All Rights Reserved.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

This module is the main controller code for running clients that sit in this

Created on 19 August 2013
@author: Charlie Lewis

from multiprocessing import Pool
from socket import *
from hemlock_debugger import Hemlock_Debugger

import ast
import datetime
import hashlib
import MySQLdb as mdb
import sys
import time

[docs]class Hemlock_Base(): """ This class is responsible for validating clients and controlling the orchestration between clients the Hemlock metadata/data store. """ def __init__(self): self.log = Hemlock_Debugger() self.SERVER_CREDS_FILE = '../hemlock_creds'
[docs] def client_import(self, debug, client): """ Imports the client specific as a python module. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :param client: string containing the name of the technology of the client i.e. mysql :return: returns string name of client credential file and instance of the client class """ self.log.debug(debug, "Importing: h"+client) exec "import h"+client cmd = "h"+client+".H"+client.title()+"()" self.log.debug(debug, "Initializing: "+cmd) c_inst = eval(cmd) self.log.debug(debug, "Client handle: "+str(c_inst)) return client+'_creds', c_inst
[docs] def get_creds(self, debug, CLIENT_CREDS_FILE): """ Gets the credentials for connecting the client and the credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :param CLIENT_CREDS_FILE: path to file containing the client credentials :return: returns two dictionaries of the client and server credentials """ client_dict = {} server_dict = {} # read in client creds file try: self.log.debug(debug, "Opening client_creds file: "+CLIENT_CREDS_FILE) f = open(CLIENT_CREDS_FILE, 'r') self.log.debug(debug, "Client creds file handle: "+str(f)) for line in f: self.log.debug(debug, line) if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#" and "=" in line: # split each line on the first '=' line = line.split("=",1) try: client_dict[line[0]] = line[1].strip() except: print "Malformed Client Creds file." self.log.debug(debug, str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) f.close() except: print "Unable to open "+CLIENT_CREDS_FILE self.log.debug(debug, str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) # read in hemlock server creds file try: self.log.debug(debug, "Opening server_creds file: "+self.SERVER_CREDS_FILE) f = open(self.SERVER_CREDS_FILE, 'r') self.log.debug(debug, "Server creds file handle: "+str(f)) for line in f: self.log.debug(debug, line) if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "#" and "=" in line: # split each line on the first '=' line = line.split("=",1) try: server_dict[line[0]] = line[1].strip() except: print "Malformed Server Creds file." self.log.debug(debug, str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) f.close() except: print "Unable to open "+self.SERVER_CREDS_FILE self.log.debug(debug, str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) return client_dict, server_dict
[docs] def verify_system(self, debug, client_uuid, server_dict): """ Verifies that the system supplied exists in the Hemlock system. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :param client_uuid: uuid of the client system that is being verified :param server_dict: credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server to be able to verify the client system """ # verify the client system is registered # required fields in the server creds file are as follows: # HEMLOCK_MYSQL_SERVER # HEMLOCK_MYSQL_USERNAME # HEMLOCK_MYSQL_PW try: h_server = mdb.connect(server_dict['HEMLOCK_MYSQL_SERVER'], server_dict['HEMLOCK_MYSQL_USERNAME'], server_dict['HEMLOCK_MYSQL_PW'], "hemlock") self.log.debug(debug, "MySQL connection handle: "+str(h_server)) cur = h_server.cursor() self.log.debug(debug, "MySQL cursor handle: "+str(cur)) query = "SELECT * from systems WHERE uuid='"+client_uuid+"'" self.log.debug(debug, "Executing mysql query: "+query) a = cur.execute(query) if a == 0: print client_uuid,"is not a valid system." sys.exit(0) h_server.commit() h_server.close() self.log.debug(debug, "Successfully closed the mysql connection.") except: print "Failure connecting to the Hemlock server" self.log.debug(debug, str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) return
[docs] def connect_server(self, debug, server_dict, no_couchbase): """ Connects to the Hemlock couchbase server. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :param server_dict: credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server to be able to verify the client system :param no_couchbase: flag of whether or not to use a couchbase connection or an elasticsearch connection :return: returns an instance of the couchbase connection """ # connect to the hemlock server # required fields in the server creds file are as follows: # HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_SERVER # HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_BUCKET # HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_USERNAME # HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_PW h_server = "" # make using couchbase optional if no_couchbase == 1: import pyes # connect to the elasticsearch server try: h_server = pyes.ES(("http", server_dict['HEMLOCK_ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT'], "9200")) self.log.debug(debug, "ElasticSearch connection handle: "+str(h_server)) except: print "Failure connecting to the Hemlock server" self.log.debug(debug, str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) else: import couchbase try: h_server = couchbase.Couchbase.connect(host=server_dict['HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_SERVER'], bucket=server_dict['HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_BUCKET'], username=server_dict['HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_USERNAME'], password=server_dict['HEMLOCK_COUCHBASE_PW']) self.log.debug(debug, "Couchbase connection handle: "+str(h_server)) except: print "Failure connecting to the Hemlock server" self.log.debug(debug, str(sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) return h_server
[docs] def send_data(self, debug, data_list, desc_list, h_server, client_uuid, no_couchbase): """ Sends data to the Hemlock couchbase server that is recieved from the client system. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :param data_list: array of arrays containing data from the client :param desc_list: list containing a corresponding schema to the data, can be empty :param h_server: instnace of the couchbase connection :param client_uuid: uuid of the client system :param no_couchbase: flag of whether or not to use a couchbase connection or an elasticsearch connection """ j_dict = {} j = 0 i = 0 e = 0 if no_couchbase: import pyes else: import couchbase # DEBUG for table_data in data_list: t_dict = {} for record in table_data: j_dict = {} k = 0 while k < len(record): rec = record[k] if type(rec) == datetime.datetime: rec = str(rec) j_dict[desc_list[j][k][0]] = rec k += 1 uid = hashlib.sha1(repr(sorted(j_dict.items()))) j_dict['hemlock-system'] = client_uuid j_dict['hemlock-date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if no_couchbase: h_server.index(j_dict, 'hemlock', 'hemlockDocument', uid.hexdigest(), bulk=True) # !! TODO this should be a parameter, not hardcoded if i % 250000 == 0: h_server.refresh() else: t_dict[uid.hexdigest()] = j_dict # requires couchbase 1.0 client # !! TODO this should be a parameter, not hardcoded if len(t_dict) > 250000: try: h_server.set_multi(t_dict, format=couchbase.FMT_JSON) except: e += 1 print "Failure." t_dict = {} i += 1 if no_couchbase: h_server.refresh() else: # requires couchbase 1.0 client if t_dict: try: h_server.set_multi(t_dict, format=couchbase.FMT_JSON) except: e += 1 print "Failure." j += 1 # DEBUG print i,"records" print e,"errors" return
[docs] def update_hemlock(self, debug, client_uuid, server_dict): """ Sends data to the Hemlock couchbase server that is recieved from the client system. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :param client_uuid: uuid of the client system :param server_dict: credentials for connecting to the Hemlock server to be able to verify the client system """ # update mysql record to say when data was last updated for this system # DEBUG try: h_server = mdb.connect(server_dict['HEMLOCK_MYSQL_SERVER'], server_dict['HEMLOCK_MYSQL_USERNAME'], server_dict['HEMLOCK_MYSQL_PW'], "hemlock") cur = h_server.cursor() query = "UPDATE systems SET updated_data='"+time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+"' WHERE uuid='"+client_uuid+"'" cur.execute(query) h_server.commit() h_server.close() except: print "Failure connecting to the Hemlock server" sys.exit(0) return
[docs] def stream_callback(self, data): """ Callback for hstream_odd, should only happen if something failed. :param data: data that failed """ print data
[docs] def stream_workers(self, debug): """ Spawns asyncronous workers when calling an hstream_odd client. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` """ # DEBUG objects= [0] * 10 pool = Pool(processes=4) for obj in objects: pool.apply_async(call_worker, callback=self.stream_callback) pool.close() pool.join() # #Hemlock_Base().send_data(data_list, desc_list, h_server, client_uuid) # #Hemlock_Base().update_hemlock(client_uuid, server_dict)
[docs] def print_help(self): """ Prints out help for the hemlock_base class. """ print "--uuid \t<uuid of system> (use 'system-list' on the Hemlock server)" print "--client \t <name of client> (client file must exist in the clients folder)" print "-h \thelp\n" sys.exit(0)
[docs] def process_args(self, debug, args): """ Processes the arguments passed in to ensure that the right ones are supplied before trying to execute against them. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :param args: list of arguments that are passed in :return: returns client system uuid, the client technology to use, and the number of splits (defaults to -1 if not supplied) """ # process args splits = -1 client = None client_uuid = None i = 0 # DEBUG if not args: self.print_help() while i < len(args): if args[i] == "--uuid": try: client_uuid = args[i+1] i += 1 except: self.print_help() elif args[i] == "--client": try: client = args[i+1] i += 1 except: self.print_help() elif args[i] == "--splits": try: splits = args[i+1] i += 1 except: splits = -1 else: self.print_help() i += 1 if not client or not client_uuid: self.print_help() return client_uuid, client, splits
[docs] def get_args(self, debug): """ Gets the arguments from the command line. :param debug: instance of :class:`~hemlock.clients.hemlock_debugger.Hemlock_Debugger` :return: returns list of arguments """ # DEBUG args = [] for arg in sys.argv: args.append(arg) return args[1:]