hemlock_rest Package

hemlock_rest Module

This module is the web server for running the REST API of Hemlock.

Created on 20 August 2013 @author: Charlie Lewis

class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.Hemlock_REST(port=8080, host='')[source]

This class is responsible for initializing the urls and web server.

class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.add[source]

This class is responsible for all API actions that involve adding something to something else.

GET(first, second)[source]

Performs the add actions of the API.

  • first – the uuid of the first part of the action
  • second – the uuid of the second part of the action

returns the result of the action

class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.change[source]

This class is responsible for changing the server that a schedule runs on.

GET(first, second)[source]

Performs the change action of the API.

  • first – the uuid of the schedule to change
  • second – the uuid of the server the schedule is being changed to

returns the result of the action

class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.create[source]

This class is responsible for all API actions that involve creating someting.


POSTs the create actions of the API.

Returns:returns the result of the action
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.delete[source]

This class is responsible for all API actions that involve deleting something.


Performs the delete actions of the API.

Parameters:uuid – the uuid of the item being deleted
Returns:returns the result of the action
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.deregister[source]

This class is responsible for deregistering systems.


Performs the deregister action of the API.

Parameters:uuid – the uuid of the system being deregistered
Returns:returns the result of the action
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.favicon[source]

This class is responsible for rendering the favicon.


GETs the favicon for http requests.

Returns:returns the favicon
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.fields[source]

This class is responsible for all requests about data fields or schemas.


GETs the schemas of all data that is stored in Hemlock.

Returns:returns the fields in all schemas stored in Hemlock
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.get[source]

This class is responsible for all API actions that involve getting something.


Performs the get actions of the API.

Parameters:uuid – the uuid of the item to get
Returns:returns the result of the action
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.list1[source]

This class is responsible for all API actions that involve listing a type of something.


Performs the list actions of the API for a given type.

Returns:returns the results of the action
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.list2[source]

This class is responsible for all API actions that involve listing something specific to something else.


Performs the list actions of the API specific to a given something.

Parameters:uuid – the uuid of the specific item to get a list relative to
Returns:returns the results of the action
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.query[source]

This class is responsible for all data query requests.


POSTs the authentication for the query and returns the query respond specific to the user credentials provided.

Returns:returns the results of the query
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.register[source]

This class is responsble for registering a system.


Performs the register action of the API.

Returns:returns the result of the action
class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.remove[source]

This class is responsible for all API actions that involve removing something.

GET(first, second)[source]

Performs the remove actions of the API.

  • first – the uuid of the first part of the action
  • second – the uuid of the second part of the action

returns the result of the action

class hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest.run[source]

This class is responsible for performing a run action of the API.

GET(first, second)[source]

Performs the run action of the API.

  • first – the uuid of the client to run
  • second – the client type that is to run

returns the result of the action

test_hemlock_rest Module

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