Source code for hemlock_rest.hemlock_rest

#!/usr/bin/env python
#   Copyright (c) 2013 In-Q-Tel, Inc/Lab41, All Rights Reserved.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

This module is the web server for running the REST API of Hemlock.

Created on 20 August 2013
@author: Charlie Lewis

import ast
import os
import pexpect
import web

[docs]class Hemlock_REST(): """ This class is responsible for initializing the urls and web server. """ def __init__(self, port=8080, host=""): # !! TODO check for environment variables for # !! TODO needs to be able to use no_couchbase flag urls = ( '/add/client/(.*)/schedule/(.*)', 'add', '/add/schedule/(.*)/client/(.*)', 'add', '/add/system/(.*)/tenant/(.*)', 'add', '/add/user/(.*)/role/(.*)', 'add', '/add/user/(.*)/tenant/(.*)', 'add', '/change/schedule/(.*)/server/(.*)', 'change', '/create/role', 'create', '/create/schedule_server', 'create', '/create/tenant', 'create', '/create/user', 'create', '/delete/role/(.*)', 'delete', '/delete/schedule_server/(.*)', 'delete', '/delete/schedule/(.*)', 'delete', '/delete/tenant/(.*)', 'delete', '/delete/user/(.*)', 'delete', '/deregister/local-system/(.*)', 'deregister', '/deregister/remote-system/(.*)', 'deregister', '/get/client/(.*)', 'get', '/get/role/(.*)', 'get', '/get/schedule_server/(.*)', 'get', '/get/schedule/(.*)', 'get', '/get/system/(.*)', 'get', '/get/tenant/(.*)', 'get', '/get/user/(.*)', 'get', '/list/all', 'list1', '/list/clients', 'list1', '/list/roles', 'list1', '/list/schedule_servers', 'list1', '/list/schedules', 'list1', '/list/systems', 'list1', '/list/tenants', 'list1', '/list/users', 'list1', '/list/client/schedules/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/client/systems/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/role/users/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/schedule/clients/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/system/clients/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/system/tenants/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/tenant/systems/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/tenant/users/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/user/roles/(.*)', 'list2', '/list/user/tenants/(.*)', 'list2', '/purge/client/(.*)', 'delete', '/query', 'query', '/run/client/(.*)/(.*)', 'run', '/register/local-system', 'register', '/register/remote-system', 'register', '/remove/client/(.*)/schedule/(.*)', 'remove', '/remove/schedule/(.*)/client/(.*)', 'remove', '/remove/system/(.*)/tenant/(.*)', 'remove', '/remove/user/(.*)/role/(.*)', 'remove', '/remove/user/(.*)/tenant/(.*)', 'remove', '/schedule/client', 'create', '/store/client', 'create', '/store/hemlock-server', 'create', '/favicon.ico','favicon' ) app = web.application(urls, globals()) web.httpserver.runsimple(app.wsgifunc(), (host, port))
[docs]class favicon: """ This class is responsible for rendering the favicon. """
[docs] def GET(self): """ GETs the favicon for http requests. :return: returns the favicon """ f = open("static/favicon.ico", 'rb') web.header("Content-Type","image/x-icon") return
[docs]class query: """ This class is responsible for all data query requests. """
[docs] def POST(self): """ POSTs the authentication for the query and returns the query respond specific to the user credentials provided. :return: returns the results of the query """ data = data = ast.literal_eval(data) # !! TODO add no_couchbase flag cmd = "hemlock query-data --user "+data['user']+" --query "+data['query'] child = pexpect.spawn(cmd) child.expect('Password:') child.sendline(data['password']) return
[docs]class fields: """ This class is responsible for all requests about data fields or schemas. """
[docs] def GET(self): """ GETs the schemas of all data that is stored in Hemlock. :return: returns the fields in all schemas stored in Hemlock """ true = True false = False null = None mapping = urllib2.urlopen("http://localhost:9200/_mapping").read() mapping = json.loads(mapping) return sorted(mapping["hemlock"]["couchbaseDocument"]["properties"]["doc"]["properties"].keys())
[docs]class add: """ This class is responsible for all API actions that involve adding something to something else. """
[docs] def GET(self, first, second): """ Performs the add actions of the API. :param first: the uuid of the first part of the action :param second: the uuid of the second part of the action :return: returns the result of the action """ if "system" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock system-add-tenant --uuid "+first+" --tenant_id "+second elif "add/client" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-add-schedule --uuid "+first+" --schedule_id "+second elif "add/schedule" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-add-client --uuid "+first+" --client_id "+second elif "role" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-add-role --uuid "+first+" --role_id "+second elif "user" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-add-tenant --uuid "+first+" --tenant_id "+second return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class change: """ This class is responsible for changing the server that a schedule runs on. """
[docs] def GET(self, first, second): """ Performs the change action of the API. :param first: the uuid of the schedule to change :param second: the uuid of the server the schedule is being changed to :return: returns the result of the action """ if "server" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-change-server --uuid "+first+" --schedule_server_id "+second return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class create: """ This class is responsible for all API actions that involve creating someting. """
[docs] def POST(self): """ POSTs the create actions of the API. :return: returns the result of the action """ data = data = ast.literal_eval(data) if "role" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock role-create --name "+data['name'] return os.popen(cmd).read() elif "schedule_server" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-server-create --name "+data['name'] return os.popen(cmd).read() elif "tenant" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock tenant-create --name "+data['name'] return os.popen(cmd).read() elif "schedule" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-schedule --name "+data['name']+" --minute "+data['minute']+" --hour "+data['hour']+" --day_of_month "+data['day_of_month']+" --month "+data['month']+" --day_of_week "+data['day_of_week']+" --client_id "+data['client_id'] return os.popen(cmd).read() elif "client" in web.ctx['fullpath']: # !! TODO add no_coucnhase flag cmd = "hemlock client-store --name "+data['name']+" --type "+data['type']+" --system_id "+data['system_id']+" --credential_file "+data['credential_file'] return os.popen(cmd).read() elif "hemlock-server" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock hemlock-server-store --credential_file "+data['credential_file'] return os.popen(cmd).read() elif "user" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-create --name "+data['name']+" --username "+data['username']+" --email "+data['email']+" --role_id "+data['role_id']+" --tenant_id "+data['tenant_id'] child = pexpect.spawn(cmd) child.expect('Password:') child.sendline(data['password']) return return
[docs]class delete: """ This class is responsible for all API actions that involve deleting something. """
[docs] def GET(self, uuid): """ Performs the delete actions of the API. :param uuid: the uuid of the item being deleted :return: returns the result of the action """ if "role" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock role-delete --uuid "+uuid elif "schedule_server" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-server-delete --uuid "+uuid elif "system" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock system-delete --uuid "+uuid elif "user" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-delete --uuid "+uuid elif "tenant" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock tenant-delete --uuid "+uuid elif "schedule" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-delete --uuid "+uuid elif "client" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-purge --uuid "+uuid return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class deregister: """ This class is responsible for deregistering systems. """
[docs] def GET(self, uuid): """ Performs the deregister action of the API. :param uuid: the uuid of the system being deregistered :return: returns the result of the action """ if "local" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock deregister-local-system --uuid "+uuid elif "remote" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock deregister-remote-system --uuid "+uuid return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class get: """ This class is responsible for all API actions that involve getting something. """
[docs] def GET(self, uuid): """ Performs the get actions of the API. :param uuid: the uuid of the item to get :return: returns the result of the action """ if "role" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock role-get --uuid "+uuid elif "schedule_server" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-server-get --uuid "+uuid elif "system" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock system-get --uuid "+uuid elif "tenant" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock tenant-get --uuid "+uuid elif "user" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-get --uuid "+uuid elif "client" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-get --uuid "+uuid elif "schedule" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-get --uuid "+uuid return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class list1: """ This class is responsible for all API actions that involve listing a type of something. """
[docs] def GET(self): """ Performs the list actions of the API for a given type. :returns: returns the results of the action """ if "roles" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock role-list" elif "schedule_server" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-server-list" elif "systems" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock system-list" elif "tenants" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock tenant-list" elif "users" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-list" elif "clients" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-list" elif "schedules" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-list" elif "all" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock list-all" return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class list2: """ This class is responsible for all API actions that involve listing something specific to something else. """
[docs] def GET(self, uuid): """ Performs the list actions of the API specific to a given something. :param uuid: the uuid of the specific item to get a list relative to :return: returns the results of the action """ if "system" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "tenants" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock system-tenants-list --uuid "+uuid elif "tenant" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "systems" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock tenant-systems-list --uuid "+uuid elif "tenant" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "users" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock tenant-users-list --uuid "+uuid elif "user" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "roles" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-roles-list --uuid "+uuid elif "role" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "users" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock role-users-list --uuid "+uuid elif "user" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "tenants" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-tenants-list --uuid "+uuid elif "client" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "schedules" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-schedules-list --uuid "+uuid elif "client" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "systems" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-systems-list --uuid "+uuid elif "schedule" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "clients" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-clients-list --uuid "+uuid elif "system" in web.ctx['fullpath'] and "clients" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock system-clients-list --uuid "+uuid return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class register: """ This class is responsble for registering a system. """
[docs] def POST(self): """ Performs the register action of the API. :return: returns the result of the action """ data = data = ast.literal_eval(data) if "local" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock register-local-system --name "+data['name']+" --data_type "+data['data_type']+" --description "+data['description']+" --tenant_id "+data['tenant_id']+" --hostname "+data['hostname']+" --endpoint "+data['endpoint']+" --poc_name "+data['poc_name']+" --poc_email "+data['poc_email'] elif "remote" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock register-remote-system --name "+data['name']+" --data_type "+data['data_type']+" --description "+data['description']+" --tenant_id "+data['tenant_id']+" --hostname "+data['hostname']+" --port "+data['port']+" --remote_uri "+data['remote_uri']+" --poc_name "+data['poc_name']+" --poc_email "+data['poc_email'] return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class remove: """ This class is responsible for all API actions that involve removing something. """
[docs] def GET(self, first, second): """ Performs the remove actions of the API. :param first: the uuid of the first part of the action :param second: the uuid of the second part of the action :return: returns the result of the action """ if "role" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-remove-role --uuid "+first+" --role_id "+second if "system" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock system-remove-tenant --uuid "+first+" --tenant_id "+second elif "user" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock user-remove-tenant --uuid "+first+" --tenant_id "+second elif "remove/client" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock client-remove-schedule --uuid "+first+" --schedule_id "+second elif "remove/schedule" in web.ctx['fullpath']: cmd = "hemlock schedule-remove-client --uuid "+first+" --client_id "+second return os.popen(cmd).read()
[docs]class run: """ This class is responsible for performing a run action of the API. """
[docs] def GET(self, first, second): # !! TODO add no_coucnhase flag # !! TODO this needs to be updated and tested """ Performs the run action of the API. :param first: the uuid of the client to run :param second: the client type that is to run :returns: returns the result of the action """ cmd = "hemlock client-run --uuid "+first+" --client "+second return os.popen(cmd).read()
if __name__ == "__main__": hemlock_rest = Hemlock_REST()