
try41 - a demonstration platform

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try41 is a demonstration platform tailored to demonstration three projects Lab41 has worked on. try41 leverages Docker through a simple webapp to enable on-demand instances of isolated installations of each project.

In order to run try41, on a host with docker perform the following:

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 lab41/redis
SECRET_KEY="this is my secret key"

docker run -e SUBDOMAIN=`hostname -f` \
           -e REDIS_HOST=`hostname -f` \
           -e SECRET_KEY=$SECRET_KEY \
           -e USERS=False \
           -e SSL=False \
           -e COOKIE=try41-uid \
           -d -P lab41/try41

This will give you a webapp through an exposed port chosen by Docker that will describe each project and provide you the ability to launch each project as a new Docker container.

The try41 webapp can also be launched to use user accounts. In that case, you'll first need to also spin up an additional container for PostgreSQL:

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 lab41/postgresql

You will also need an SMTP server to send mail from for registration.

Then modify the runtime environment variables to enable users:

SECRET_KEY="this is my secret key"
HOSTNAME=hostname -f

docker run -e SUBDOMAIN=`hostname -f` \
           -e REDIS_HOST=`hostname -f` \
           -e SECRET_KEY=$SECRET_KEY \
           -e USERS=True \
           -e POSTGRESQL_URI=postgresql://docker:docker@$HOSTNAME/users \
           -e \
           -e SENDER='"Try41" <>' \
           -e SSL=False \
           -e COOKIE=try41-uid \
           -d -P lab41/try41

Before launching each project, you will want to pull down their images with Docker.

To get Dendrite:

docker pull lab41/dendrite

Or build from source:

git clone

cd try41/dockerfiles/dendrite

To get Hemlock:

docker pull lab41/hemlock

Or build from source:

git clone

cd try41/dockerfiles/hemlock

docker build -t lab41/hemlock .

To get Redwood:

docker pull lab41/redwood

Or build from source:

git clone

cd try41/dockerfiles/redwood

docker build -t lab41/redwood .