Scripts for generating graphs in various formats.
Scripts for generating graphs in various formats.
Will be looking at outputting into the following formats first:
-n <num of nodes> (default is 1000, must be greater than 0)
-min/max <min/max degree of nodes> (only used with undirected, default is 1/10)
-mini/maxi <min/max in degree of nodes> (only used with directed flag, default is 1/10)
-mino/maxo <max/max out degree of nodes> (only used with directed flag, default is 1/10)
-minna/maxna <min/max num of node attributes> (default is 2, must be at least 1)
-minea/maxea <min/max num of edge attributes> (default is 0)
-d (directed, undirected by default)
-t* <output type> (graphml by default, options include gml and graphson)
-o <path to output file> (default is 'graph')
-h help
* only graphml and graphson have been implemented so far